Letter of Appreciation!
This is a letter wrote by An English Teacher from SJK(C) Saleng Johore that I had provided my motivation programs over the last few years.
The very meaningful appreciation that she had sent out through this letter was highly encourage me and valuable for my training activities in future.
Thank you very much, Madam Lau, you are the ones who wrote to me and recognize our effort during these" life education" programs. Since our beloved teacher Madam Law is going to retire next January 2011, I hereby noted my heartiest and warmest regards, and hope that she will enjoy her golden ages by traveling all the world and keep closely with her beloved family.
这是一封来自柔佛州沙令华小英文教师Madam Lau Siew Kaim PPN 的回馈信函。信中对我们的人文培训和教育理念表示了极大的认同,给我们莫大的鼓舞和激励。这也是第一封来自华小老师的回馈信函,我十分珍之惜之。
Madam Lau Siew Kaim PPN
SJK(C) Saleng, 41400 Senai, Johor.
Hello Mr Soon,
Sorry for the late reply. Busy with the school work. It seems that teaching life is not easy nowadays. Really a lot of tension and stress.
Enclosed is a copy of the photo taken in my school after your interesting motivation. We really appreciate your motivation to the pupils of Year Six. They don't feel bored during your sessions, especially the motivation songs and the dance, too.
Actually, these pupils of this year are very mischievous and playful. After listening to your talk on "No No Person, Talk Talk Person, Play Play Person and Do Do Person", at least we teachers can expose to them during our English Lesson. It's a pity I am not teaching these pupils of Year Six. Due to my heart, I have stopped teaching these pupils. I had been for the Facilitator for many years going round in Johor State and also a Jurulatih for PPSMI.
Too tired to give motivation in English. (English Optionist) Usually I gave the talk on Teknik in answering UPSR Questions. After all, I am going to retire soon. This end of the year consider to be my retirement but I was born in the month of January. (3 days to attend the class next year).
Next year won't be going for contract teacher, cos, going on tour with my family. Most probably to Australia and Europe.
Congratulations! You are received your Certificate of Master of Arts. See you soon.All the best to you. Happen to be giving talk in Saleng, you may contact me.
Yours faithfully
Madam Lau S. Kaim PPN